Tuesday 1 July 2008

Inquality between Genders in a Democratic Country

Everywhere I look I see men and women behaving badly. I used to think this kind of thing happened to other people but it has inflitrated my home and my very family.

My little sister picked up a knife and attacked my brother. She almost killed him. Luckily, he caught her hand in time and brought her to face the rest of our family so that they may see what kind of person she is. They refused to believe him. He was mad at them. She was very good at deceiving people.

One of the last people I expected to show a violent streak was my Aunt Nilu – my paternal aunt. She has always been the kind and gentle one I could come to in my moments of trouble. One day she just turned around and struck at her Husband, my Uncle and went to the police station and turned the tables, who in turn arrested her husband’s whole family. The poor Uncle and his family have been getting in and out of the snail phased Indian courts for past eight year, who simply refuses to accept they are innocent; while my aunt is settled with a new Uncle who was her office school sweetheart and have a child whom she enjoys abusing and spanking.

Seriously, Females are always complaining about harassment in the workplaces. If you ask me, I think a lot of female employees harass their male co-workers and even bosses, just because they can get away with it. I mean, those moronic judges and juries find it impossible to believe that women in power are capable of abusing it and turn the workplace into a nightmare world for the working man. It’s women like my cousin sister Kamalika who give the workplace a bad name. When she was caught red handed by her company for misappropriation of client’s funds and company assets and was in the process of being terminated when she dropped the bomb-shell of complaining to the authorities of sexual harassment if not relieved with the due respect instead of a termination so that she could get another job. Today she is misappropriating another company’s funds and assets to satisfy her material greed. I don’t think Kamalika’s threat about sexual harassment was a random one. I think she might be planning to make a false accusation against even the richest and the most powerfull CEOs.

I put her, my aunt and my sister in the category of worthless women who whine and continue having their way by deceiving all under the cover of sexual vulnerability.

Now, there is no one I can trust. There is an epidemic of violence around me. It would seem that women are catching up to men in violent crimes. Women abuse their children, their spouse, their friends, relatives, colleagues even strangers. Verbal bashing and slapping as well as attacks with knives and other things are all examples of domestic violence. Men and women can be victims as well as perpetrators. The police and the law seem unwilling to admit that women are capable of doing the same evil deeds that some men do. There is a shroud of secrecy there. Abused men have been complaining for years. Now I see the evil that some women do – I realized it when I saw it in my own family, until then I too never believed we women could be more evil, than evil can be. It frightens me.

It reminds of a movie I saw not long ago. Dawn of the Dead. In this movie, a virus started turning people into violent zombie-like killers and very few normal humans remained to face them. I feel like everywhere around me, men and women are becoming monsters. The cops and the law only stop violent men. They let violent women walk away with a slap on the wrist. It is frightening how much some women will get away with by playing victim. The man is not always the bad guy. Sometimes, the man who beats the woman could be defending himself from a feral attacker. Yet the cops and the law refuse to acknowledge it.

I am living in my neighborhood. I slowly witness my cousin, aunt and sister becoming violent monsters that someday I must face. My cousins are frightened. There is so much to fear in the outside world. Home is supposed to be safe. When will the law realize that some women really do commit acts of domestic violence toward their children, spouses, relatives, colleagues and even the society?

Not as long as the Fanatic Feminist movement is around to make all the men look bad and blame all of society's problems on them. Yes, I call them fanatics because they do all evil and like the fanatic terrorists and then seek refuge under the cause making believe the blind that they are right in their act of doing wrong. Granted, some men do bad things but the women are even worse. We as a society must open our eyes and look for signs of trouble and find ways to deal with them. Our husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and children are not safe as long as we refuse to recognize that domestic violence is a two-way street. Don't listen to the fanatic feminist propaganda, people. Open your eyes.

Don't lose hope. You are not alone. Although the media does not think women are capable of hurting men, it does happen. The bias against men shows at almost every level in society. In college campuses. In the courtroom. In the home. Wherever you go, the radical fanatic femnazis are continuing their evil work. They pretend to want to help women. They do not help women. What they want to do is to destroy the family the foundation to any society including the Indian society and increase the number of fatherless children in India like in the West . They consider marriage and having children as being a trap for women. Many women want to get married and have kids and there is nothing wrong with that at all. These radicals pretend to be the allies of the society. They pretend to want to help the children and the old achieve equal rights. They do not truly desire that. What the fanatic femnazis want to do is destroy the existing societal structure. They think all men are evil and all women are innocent and victims. They don't want equal rights. They want special rights. They think they are untouchable and no one dares to oppose them. Anyone who opposes a fanatic feminist, no matter how radical becomes demonized by the fanatic femnazis's secret weapon, media manipulation and government manipulation.

These fanatic radicals have betrayed feminism. They don’t want equal rights for women and men. They want to destroy. I don't consider them human anymore. And I consider myself a Humanist.

Hopefully, in future time, people will realize how anti-male and anti-family these so-called activists are. People will cease to listen to their garbage and men and women will move toward a better future as friends, lovers and equals.